Squamish's newest coffee shop, smoothie bar and fitness studio! Pronounced 'philly' we are on the mission to bring our funkiest selves to the table to move, gather and grow. In our 3-in-1 space we house a lively Squamish fitness classes paired with nourishing coffees and smoothies. Now that's funky.
FILI Basics Series - The Plank, Lunge and Jumpi...
Hey there! And welcome to the FILI Basics Series! This series is designed to help guide you through three key moves you'll often see in FILI Classes: the plank, lunge, and...
FILI Basics Series - The Plank, Lunge and Jumpi...
Hey there! And welcome to the FILI Basics Series! This series is designed to help guide you through three key moves you'll often see in FILI Classes: the plank, lunge, and...